How our process works
Cancel for any reason travel insurance & trip protection
When you cancel you will fall into one of the 3 buckets below:
1. Cancel for a “covered” reason due to an unforeseen event for a 100% payout (200+ covered reasons including but not limited to sickness, injury, job relocation, and job loss)
2. Cancel for “ANY” reason for a 75% refund of trip payments to date no matter how many payments you have made.
Trip Protection
3. Cancel for “ANY” reason for a 100% payout by COMPLETING the payment requirements for your designated trip.
*Insurance payout does not cover the cost of the insurance (initial deposit)
*Our trip protection program is intended to cover guest who cancel for any reason and only receive a 75% payout from the third party Insurance agency. Insurance payouts must be verified prior to disbursement of funds for trip protection processed by a third party.
*We do not guarantee that everyone who purchases insurance will have a successful claim. We use a third party insurance broker and the insurance payout is at the discretion of the officer that reviews your claim. This is the value of having trip protection.
Our trip protection program gives you the opportunity to cancel for ANY REASON and receive 100% of the value of your trip back excluding your non-refundable non-transferable deposit for all trips that are PAID IN FULL.
The value of your insurance is limited to your package with Get Up 2 Go and does NOT cover flights that have been purchased separately.