COVID-19 Precautions

COVID-19 Safety Precautions: Social distance for 1-week (7 days) leading up to the trip

All persons within your household should do the following:

*Avoid mixing households (no company/quick visits)

*Avoid settings where people congregate/public places like restaurants and stores (grocery shop a week in advance of your visit)

*Social distance as much as possible given your personal work circumstances (work from home if you can). If you can not work from home practice increased caution at work.

*Schedule your PCR test and obtain a negative result prior to boarding your flight

The aforementioned protocols are put in place to ensure that all participants can enjoy the weekend and return home safely to their families.

Please fill out the formbelow as we prepare for an amazing weekend put together by Big Reed!

NGS 12th Annual MLK Golf Outing Schedule