Read the notes below to find out how to get the best deal possible!
Buy flights on layaway:
Yes - you can now secure payment plans for your flight, check out Airfordable or Layaway Tickets.
When to book:
The best flight deals are typically 3 - 4 months from your departure date. You will see the best deals release on Tuesday and Wednesday when Southwest drops their prices, the entire market will adjust.
Booking 1-Ways to save $:
Look into booking two separate 1-way flights to save money by using separate airline suppliers
Google Flights:
Use Google Flights to do an open search within your date range and explore nearby airports that may have better deals
Overnight Flights:
You can save $ by booking flights with overnight layovers.
Who to book with?
If possible, always try to book your flights directly with the airline. Use third party search engines like Flight Hub , Expedia , Sky Scanner, Google Flights to find the deal. THEN book directly through the airline (Delta, Frontier, United, etc…)
Always double check for flight deals (they do not publish their flights on the aforementioned sites)